Green Futures
Gravesham’s Climate Change & Green Economy Symposium
Our first climate change conference event was hosted on Tuesday 7 November and it was an opportunity for young people aged 16 to 19 years to learn about the Green Economy.
Its key purpose was to harness and motivate the ambition and energy, imagination and creativity of local young people. In acknowledging their developing understanding of the complex issues and their continuing concerns, the conference sought to guide and inform on their role as part of the solution, and to build their capacity to be agents for change. It also sought to reinforce the importance of their voice being heard as the up-and-coming generation, and to strengthen their hope for the future.
We were privileged to have Sir John Armitt, Chair of the Government’s National Infrastructure Commission as our Keynote Speaker.
And Lord Deben Chairman of the UK's independent Committee on Climate Change attending the event.
The event empowered Gravesham’s young people to understand the career and job opportunities that will play a key part in the response to the impacts of Climate Change.
200 young people from Gravesham and the surrounding area attended the event.
More info coming soon!
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Email: hello@thegrand.org.uk