Support GYG
Each year we support more than 3000 families and work in some of the most deprived areas of the UK.
What do we offer young people?
Mental Health Support
Creative workshops
Life skills & guidance
Confidence building
“I honestly don't know who I'd be if I wasn't introduced to this amazing group of people.
They have all changed my life and made me a better person.
I would be completely heartbroken if GYG had to be shut down as everyone they are such a big part of my life.
Before I joined I didn't have many friends but now I've got a family. They always have our best interests at heart and allow us all to pursue our hopes, dreams and interests.
There is something there for everybody..”
— Ellissia
How can you help?
Donate to our online crowd funder
Contribute to our crowdfunder to support the creative sessions we offer young people. Every penny donated helps us offer FREE workshops and activities to children and young people in the borough.
Local business sponsorship
We’d love to talk to any businesses about collaborations and opportunities to support our work for children and young people. We have a number of sponsorship opportunities. Let’s talk!
Hold a fundraising event
Every penny counts! If your network can help us raise funds for GYG get in touch, from quick nights to bake sales and staff challenges, get in touch as let’s collaborate to create some fun(d) raising events.